Source code for axelrod.strategies.gobymajority

import copy
from typing import Any, Dict, Union

from axelrod.action import Action
from axelrod.player import Player

C, D = Action.C, Action.D

[docs] class GoByMajority(Player): """Submitted to Axelrod's second tournament by Gail Grisell. It came 23rd and was written in 10 lines of BASIC. A player examines the history of the opponent: if the opponent has more defections than cooperations then the player defects. In case of equal number of defections and cooperations this player will Cooperate. Passing the `soft=False` keyword argument when initialising will create a HardGoByMajority which Defects in case of equality. An optional memory attribute will limit the number of turns remembered (by default this is 0) Names: - Go By Majority: [Axelrod1984]_ - Grisell: [Axelrod1980b]_ - Soft Majority: [Mittal2009]_ """ name = "Go By Majority" classifier = { "stochastic": False, "inspects_source": False, "long_run_time": False, "manipulates_source": False, "manipulates_state": False, "memory_depth": float("inf"), } # type: Dict[str, Any] def __init__( self, memory_depth: Union[int, float] = float("inf"), soft: bool = True ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- memory_depth: int >= 0 The number of rounds to use for the calculation of the cooperation and defection probabilities of the opponent. soft: bool Indicates whether to cooperate or not in the case that the cooperation and defection probabilities are equal. """ super().__init__() self.soft = soft self.classifier["memory_depth"] = memory_depth if self.classifier["memory_depth"] < float("inf"): self.memory = self.classifier["memory_depth"] else: self.memory = 0 = "Go By Majority" + (self.memory > 0) * ( ": %i" % self.memory ) if self.soft: = "Soft " + else: = "Hard " + def __repr__(self): return
[docs] def strategy(self, opponent: Player) -> Action: """This is affected by the history of the opponent. As long as the opponent cooperates at least as often as they defect then the player will cooperate. If at any point the opponent has more defections than cooperations in memory the player defects. """ history = opponent.history[-self.memory :] defections = sum([s == D for s in history]) cooperations = sum([s == C for s in history]) if defections > cooperations: return D if defections == cooperations: if self.soft: return C else: return D return C
[docs] class GoByMajority40(GoByMajority): """ GoByMajority player with a memory of 40. Names: - Go By Majority 40: Original name by Karol Langner """ name = "Go By Majority 40" classifier = copy.copy(GoByMajority.classifier) classifier["memory_depth"] = 40 def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(memory_depth=40)
[docs] class GoByMajority20(GoByMajority): """ GoByMajority player with a memory of 20. Names: - Go By Majority 20: Original name by Karol Langner """ name = "Go By Majority 20" classifier = copy.copy(GoByMajority.classifier) classifier["memory_depth"] = 20 def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(memory_depth=20)
[docs] class GoByMajority10(GoByMajority): """ GoByMajority player with a memory of 10. Names: - Go By Majority 10: Original name by Karol Langner """ name = "Go By Majority 10" classifier = copy.copy(GoByMajority.classifier) classifier["memory_depth"] = 10 def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(memory_depth=10)
[docs] class GoByMajority5(GoByMajority): """ GoByMajority player with a memory of 5. Names: - Go By Majority 5: Original name by Karol Langner """ name = "Go By Majority 5" classifier = copy.copy(GoByMajority.classifier) classifier["memory_depth"] = 5 def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(memory_depth=5)
[docs] class HardGoByMajority(GoByMajority): """A player examines the history of the opponent: if the opponent has more defections than cooperations then the player defects. In case of equal number of defections and cooperations this player will Defect. An optional memory attribute will limit the number of turns remembered (by default this is 0) Names: - Hard Majority: [Mittal2009]_ """ name = "Hard Go By Majority" def __init__(self, memory_depth: Union[int, float] = float("inf")) -> None: super().__init__(memory_depth=memory_depth, soft=False)
[docs] class HardGoByMajority40(HardGoByMajority): """ HardGoByMajority player with a memory of 40. Names: - Hard Go By Majority 40: Original name by Karol Langner """ name = "Hard Go By Majority 40" classifier = copy.copy(GoByMajority.classifier) classifier["memory_depth"] = 40 def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(memory_depth=40)
[docs] class HardGoByMajority20(HardGoByMajority): """ HardGoByMajority player with a memory of 20. Names: - Hard Go By Majority 20: Original name by Karol Langner """ name = "Hard Go By Majority 20" classifier = copy.copy(GoByMajority.classifier) classifier["memory_depth"] = 20 def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(memory_depth=20)
[docs] class HardGoByMajority10(HardGoByMajority): """ HardGoByMajority player with a memory of 10. Names: - Hard Go By Majority 10: Original name by Karol Langner """ name = "Hard Go By Majority 10" classifier = copy.copy(GoByMajority.classifier) classifier["memory_depth"] = 10 def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(memory_depth=10)
[docs] class HardGoByMajority5(HardGoByMajority): """ HardGoByMajority player with a memory of 5. Names: - Hard Go By Majority 5: Original name by Karol Langner """ name = "Hard Go By Majority 5" classifier = copy.copy(GoByMajority.classifier) classifier["memory_depth"] = 5 def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(memory_depth=5)