Source code for axelrod.strategies.zero_determinant

from axelrod.action import Action

from .memoryone import MemoryOnePlayer

C, D = Action.C, Action.D

[docs] class LRPlayer(MemoryOnePlayer): """ Abstraction for Linear Relation players. These players enforce a linear difference in stationary payoffs :math:`s (S_{xy} - l) = S_{yx} - l.` The parameter :math:`s` is called the slope and the parameter :math:`l` the baseline payoff. For extortionate strategies, the extortion factor :math:`\chi` is the inverse of the slope :math:`s`. For the standard prisoner's dilemma where :math:`T > R > P > S` and :math:`R > (T + S) / 2 > P`, a pair :math:`(l, s)` is enforceable iff .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{eqnarray} &P &<= l <= R \\\\ &s_{min} &= -\min\\left( \\frac{T - l}{l - S}, \\frac{l - S}{T - l}\\right) <= s <= 1 \\end{eqnarray} And also that there exists :math:`\\phi` such that .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{eqnarray} p_1 &= P(C|CC) &= 1 - \\phi (1 - s)(R - l) \\\\ p_2 &= P(C|CD) &= 1 - \\phi (s(l - S) + (T - l)) \\\\ p_3 &= P(C|DC) &= \\phi ((l - S) + s(T - l)) \\\\ p_4 &= P(C|DD) &= \\phi (1 - s)(l - P) \\end{eqnarray} These conditions also force :math:`\\phi >= 0`. For a given pair :math:`(l, s)` there may be multiple such :math:`\\phi`. This parameterization is Equation 14 in [Hilbe2013]_. See Figure 2 of the article for a more in-depth explanation. Other game parameters can alter the relations and bounds above. Names: - Linear Relation player: [Hilbe2013]_ """ name = "LinearRelation" classifier = { "memory_depth": 1, # Memory-one Four-Vector "stochastic": True, "long_run_time": False, "inspects_source": False, "manipulates_source": False, "manipulates_state": False, } def __init__(self, phi: float = 0.2, s: float = 0.1, l: float = 1) -> None: """ Parameters phi, s, l: floats Parameters determining the four_vector of the LR player. """ self.phi = phi self.s = s self.l = l super().__init__() def set_initial_four_vector(self, four_vector): pass
[docs] def receive_match_attributes(self): """ Parameters phi, s, l: floats Parameter used to compute the four-vector according to the parameterization of the strategies below. """ R, P, S, T = self.match_attributes["game"].RPST() l = self.l phi = self.phi s = self.s # Check parameters s_min = -min((T - l) / (l - S), (l - S) / (T - l)) if (l < P) or (l > R) or (s > 1) or (s < s_min): raise ValueError p1 = 1 - phi * (1 - s) * (R - l) p2 = 1 - phi * (s * (l - S) + (T - l)) p3 = phi * ((l - S) + s * (T - l)) p4 = phi * (1 - s) * (l - P) four_vector = [p1, p2, p3, p4] self.set_four_vector(four_vector)
[docs] class ZDExtortion(LRPlayer): """ An example ZD Extortion player. Names: - ZDExtortion: [Roemheld2013]_ """ name = "ZD-Extortion" def __init__(self, phi: float = 0.2, s: float = 0.1, l: float = 1) -> None: super().__init__(phi, s, l)
[docs] class ZDExtort2(LRPlayer): """ An Extortionate Zero Determinant Strategy with l=P. Names: - Extort-2: [Stewart2012]_ """ name = "ZD-Extort-2" def __init__(self, phi: float = 1 / 9, s: float = 0.5) -> None: # l = P will be set by receive_match_attributes super().__init__(phi, s, None)
[docs] def receive_match_attributes(self): (R, P, S, T) = self.match_attributes["game"].RPST() self.l = P super().receive_match_attributes()
[docs] class ZDExtort2v2(LRPlayer): """ An Extortionate Zero Determinant Strategy with l=1. Names: - EXTORT2: [Kuhn2017]_ """ name = "ZD-Extort-2 v2" def __init__( self, phi: float = 1 / 8, s: float = 0.5, l: float = 1 ) -> None: super().__init__(phi, s, l)
[docs] class ZDExtort3(LRPlayer): """ An extortionate strategy from Press and Dyson's paper witn an extortion factor of 3. Names: - ZDExtort3: Original name by Marc Harper - Unnamed: [Press2012]_ """ name = "ZD-Extort3" def __init__( self, phi: float = 3 / 26, s: float = 1 / 3, l: float = 1 ) -> None: super().__init__(phi, s, l)
[docs] class ZDExtort4(LRPlayer): """ An Extortionate Zero Determinant Strategy with l=1, s=1/4. TFT is the other extreme (with l=3, s=1) Names: - Extort 4: Original name by Marc Harper """ name = "ZD-Extort-4" def __init__( self, phi: float = 4 / 17, s: float = 0.25, l: float = 1 ) -> None: super().__init__(phi, s, l)
[docs] class ZDGen2(LRPlayer): """ A Generous Zero Determinant Strategy with l=3. Names: - GEN2: [Kuhn2017]_ """ name = "ZD-GEN-2" def __init__( self, phi: float = 1 / 8, s: float = 0.5, l: float = 3 ) -> None: super().__init__(phi, s, l)
[docs] class ZDGTFT2(LRPlayer): """ A Generous Zero Determinant Strategy with l=R. Names: - ZDGTFT-2: [Stewart2012]_ """ name = "ZD-GTFT-2" def __init__(self, phi: float = 0.25, s: float = 0.5) -> None: # l = R will be set by receive_match_attributes super().__init__(phi, s, None)
[docs] def receive_match_attributes(self): (R, P, S, T) = self.match_attributes["game"].RPST() self.l = R super().receive_match_attributes()
[docs] class ZDMischief(LRPlayer): """ An example ZD Mischief player. Names: - ZDMischief: [Roemheld2013]_ """ name = "ZD-Mischief" def __init__(self, phi: float = 0.1, s: float = 0.0, l: float = 1) -> None: super().__init__(phi, s, l)
[docs] class ZDSet2(LRPlayer): """ A Generous Zero Determinant Strategy with l=2. Names: - SET2: [Kuhn2017]_ """ name = "ZD-SET-2" def __init__( self, phi: float = 1 / 4, s: float = 0.0, l: float = 2 ) -> None: super().__init__(phi, s, l)