Source code for axelrod.strategies.appeaser

from axelrod.action import Action
from axelrod.player import Player

C, D = Action.C, Action.D

[docs]class Appeaser(Player): """A player who tries to guess what the opponent wants. Switch the classifier every time the opponent plays D. Start with C, switch between C and D when opponent plays D. Names: - Appeaser: Original Name by Jochen Müller """ name = "Appeaser" classifier = { "memory_depth": float("inf"), # Depends on internal memory. "stochastic": False, "long_run_time": False, "inspects_source": False, "manipulates_source": False, "manipulates_state": False, }
[docs] def strategy(self, opponent: Player) -> Action: """Actual strategy definition that determines player's action.""" if not len(opponent.history): return C else: if opponent.history[-1] == D: if self.history[-1] == C: return D else: return C return self.history[-1]