Source code for axelrod.strategies.sequence_player

from types import FunctionType
from typing import Tuple

from axelrod._strategy_utils import thue_morse_generator
from axelrod.action import Action
from axelrod.player import Player

C, D = Action.C, Action.D

[docs]class SequencePlayer(Player): """Abstract base class for players that use a generated sequence to determine their plays. Names: - Sequence Player: Original name by Marc Harper """ def __init__( self, generator_function: FunctionType, generator_args: Tuple = () ) -> None: super().__init__() self.sequence_generator = generator_function(*generator_args)
[docs] @staticmethod def meta_strategy(value: int) -> Action: """Determines how to map the sequence value to cooperate or defect. By default, treat values like python truth values. Override in child classes for alternate behaviors.""" if value == 0: return D else: return C
[docs] def strategy(self, opponent: Player) -> Action: """Iterate through the sequence and apply the meta strategy.""" for s in self.sequence_generator: return self.meta_strategy(s)
def __getstate__(self): """Generator attributes are not pickleable so we remove and rebuild.""" return_dict = self.__dict__.copy() del return_dict["sequence_generator"] return return_dict def __setstate__(self, state): self.reset() self._history = state["_history"] self.match_attributes = state["match_attributes"] for _ in self.history: next(self.sequence_generator)
[docs]class ThueMorse(SequencePlayer): """ A player who cooperates or defects according to the Thue-Morse sequence. The first few terms of the Thue-Morse sequence are: 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 . . . Thue-Morse sequence: Names: - Thue Morse: Original name by Geraint Palmer """ name = "ThueMorse" classifier = { "memory_depth": float("inf"), "stochastic": False, "long_run_time": False, "inspects_source": False, "manipulates_source": False, "manipulates_state": False, } def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(thue_morse_generator, (0,))
[docs]class ThueMorseInverse(ThueMorse): """A player who plays the inverse of the Thue-Morse sequence. Names: - Inverse Thue Morse: Original name by Geraint Palmer """ name = "ThueMorseInverse" classifier = { "memory_depth": float("inf"), "stochastic": False, "long_run_time": False, "inspects_source": False, "manipulates_source": False, "manipulates_state": False, } def __init__(self) -> None: super(ThueMorse, self).__init__(thue_morse_generator, (0,))
[docs] @staticmethod def meta_strategy(value: int) -> Action: # Switch the default cooperate and defect action on 0 or 1 if value == 0: return C else: return D