Source code for axelrod.strategies.cooperator

from axelrod.action import Action
from axelrod.player import Player

C, D = Action.C, Action.D

[docs] class Cooperator(Player): """A player who only ever cooperates. Names: - Cooperator: [Axelrod1984]_ - ALLC: [Press2012]_ - Always cooperate: [Mittal2009]_ """ name = "Cooperator" classifier = { "memory_depth": 0, "stochastic": False, "long_run_time": False, "inspects_source": False, "manipulates_source": False, "manipulates_state": False, }
[docs] @staticmethod def strategy(opponent: Player) -> Action: """Actual strategy definition that determines player's action.""" return C
[docs] class TrickyCooperator(Player): """ A cooperator that is trying to be tricky. Names: - Tricky Cooperator: Original name by Karol Langner """ name = "Tricky Cooperator" classifier = { "memory_depth": 10, "stochastic": False, "long_run_time": False, "inspects_source": False, "manipulates_source": False, "manipulates_state": False, } _min_history_required_to_try_trickiness = 3 _max_history_depth_for_trickiness = -10
[docs] def strategy(self, opponent: Player) -> Action: """Almost always cooperates, but will try to trick the opponent by defecting. Defect once in a while in order to get a better payout. After 3 rounds, if opponent has not defected to a max history depth of 10, defect. """ if ( self._has_played_enough_rounds_to_be_tricky() and self._opponents_has_cooperated_enough_to_be_tricky(opponent) ): return D return C
def _has_played_enough_rounds_to_be_tricky(self): return len(self.history) >= self._min_history_required_to_try_trickiness def _opponents_has_cooperated_enough_to_be_tricky(self, opponent): rounds_to_be_checked = opponent.history[ self._max_history_depth_for_trickiness : ] return D not in rounds_to_be_checked