Running tests ============= Basic test runners ------------------ The project has an extensive test suite which is run each time a new contribution is made to the repository. If you want to check that all the tests pass before you submit a pull request you can run the tests yourself:: $ python -m unittest discover If you are developing new tests for the suite, it is useful to run a single test file so that you don't have to wait for the entire suite each time. For example, to run only the tests for the Grudger strategy:: $ python -m unittest axelrod.tests.strategies.test_grudger The test suite is divided into three categories: strategy tests, unit tests and integration tests. Each can be run individually:: $ python -m unittest discover -s axelrod.tests.strategies $ python -m unittest discover -s axelrod.tests.unit $ python -m unittest discover -s axelrod.tests.integration Testing coverage of tests ------------------------- The library has 100% test coverage. This can be tested using the Python :code:`coverage` package. Once installed (:code:`pip install coverage`), to run the tests and check the coverage for the entire library:: $ coverage run --source=axelrod -m unittest discover You can then view a report of the coverage:: $ coverage report -m You can also run the coverage on a subset of the tests. For example, to run the tests with coverage for the Grudger strategy:: $ coverage run --source=axelrod -m unittest axelrod.tests.strategies.test_grudger Testing the documentation ------------------------- The documentation is doctested, to run those tests you can run the script:: $ python You can also run the doctests on any given file. For example, to run the doctests for the :code:`docs/tutorials/getting_started/match.rst` file:: $ python -m doctest docs/tutorials/getting_started/match.rst Type checking ------------- The library makes use of type hinting, this can be checked using the Python :code:`mypy` package. Once installed (:code:`pip install mypy`), to run the type checker:: $ python You can also run the type checker on a given file. For example, to run the type checker on the Grudger strategy:: $ mypy --ignore-missing-imports --follow-imports skip axelrod/strategies/