Source code for axelrod.strategies.qlearner

import random
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Dict, List, Union

from axelrod.action import Action, actions_to_str
from axelrod.player import Player
from axelrod.random_ import random_choice

Score = Union[int, float]

C, D = Action.C, Action.D

[docs]class RiskyQLearner(Player): """A player who learns the best strategies through the q-learning algorithm. This Q learner is quick to come to conclusions and doesn't care about the future. Names: - Risky Q Learner: Original name by Geraint Palmer """ name = "Risky QLearner" classifier = { "memory_depth": float("inf"), # Long memory "stochastic": True, "makes_use_of": set(["game"]), "long_run_time": False, "inspects_source": False, "manipulates_source": False, "manipulates_state": False, } learning_rate = 0.9 discount_rate = 0.9 action_selection_parameter = 0.1 memory_length = 12 def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialises the player by picking a random strategy.""" super().__init__() # Set this explicitely, since the constructor of super will not pick it up # for any subclasses that do not override methods using random calls. self.classifier["stochastic"] = True self.prev_action = None # type: Action self.original_prev_action = None # type: Action self.score = 0 self.Qs = OrderedDict({"": OrderedDict(zip([C, D], [0, 0]))}) self.Vs = OrderedDict({"": 0}) self.prev_state = "" def receive_match_attributes(self): (R, P, S, T) = self.match_attributes["game"].RPST() self.payoff_matrix = {C: {C: R, D: S}, D: {C: T, D: P}}
[docs] def strategy(self, opponent: Player) -> Action: """Runs a qlearn algorithm while the tournament is running.""" if len(self.history) == 0: self.prev_action = random_choice() self.original_prev_action = self.prev_action state = self.find_state(opponent) reward = self.find_reward(opponent) if state not in self.Qs: self.Qs[state] = OrderedDict(zip([C, D], [0, 0])) self.Vs[state] = 0 self.perform_q_learning(self.prev_state, state, self.prev_action, reward) action = self.select_action(state) self.prev_state = state self.prev_action = action return action
[docs] def select_action(self, state: str) -> Action: """ Selects the action based on the epsilon-soft policy """ rnd_num = random.random() p = 1.0 - self.action_selection_parameter if rnd_num < p: return max(self.Qs[state], key=lambda x: self.Qs[state][x]) return random_choice()
[docs] def find_state(self, opponent: Player) -> str: """ Finds the my_state (the opponents last n moves + its previous proportion of playing C) as a hashable state """ prob = "{:.1f}".format(opponent.cooperations) action_str = actions_to_str(opponent.history[-self.memory_length :]) return action_str + prob
[docs] def perform_q_learning(self, prev_state: str, state: str, action: Action, reward): """ Performs the qlearning algorithm """ self.Qs[prev_state][action] = (1.0 - self.learning_rate) * self.Qs[prev_state][ action ] + self.learning_rate * (reward + self.discount_rate * self.Vs[state]) self.Vs[prev_state] = max(self.Qs[prev_state].values())
[docs] def find_reward(self, opponent: Player) -> Dict[Action, Dict[Action, Score]]: """ Finds the reward gained on the last iteration """ if len(opponent.history) == 0: opp_prev_action = random_choice() else: opp_prev_action = opponent.history[-1] return self.payoff_matrix[self.prev_action][opp_prev_action]
[docs]class ArrogantQLearner(RiskyQLearner): """A player who learns the best strategies through the q-learning algorithm. This Q learner jumps to quick conclusions and cares about the future. Names: - Arrogant Q Learner: Original name by Geraint Palmer """ name = "Arrogant QLearner" learning_rate = 0.9 discount_rate = 0.1
[docs]class HesitantQLearner(RiskyQLearner): """A player who learns the best strategies through the q-learning algorithm. This Q learner is slower to come to conclusions and does not look ahead much. Names: - Hesitant Q Learner: Original name by Geraint Palmer """ name = "Hesitant QLearner" learning_rate = 0.1 discount_rate = 0.9
[docs]class CautiousQLearner(RiskyQLearner): """A player who learns the best strategies through the q-learning algorithm. This Q learner is slower to come to conclusions and wants to look ahead more. Names: - Cautious Q Learner: Original name by Geraint Palmer """ name = "Cautious QLearner" learning_rate = 0.1 discount_rate = 0.1