Guidelines ========== All contributions to this repository are welcome via pull request on the `github repository `_. The project follows the following guidelines: 1. Try as best as possible to follow `PEP8 `_ which includes **using descriptive variable names**. 2. Code Format: Use the `Black formatter `_ to format all code and the `isort utility `_ to sort import statements. You can run black on all code with:: $ python -m black -l 80 . 3. Commits: Please try to use commit messages that give a meaningful history for anyone using git's log features. Try to use messages that complete sentence, "This commit will..." There is some excellent guidance on the subject from `Chris Beams `_ 4. Testing: the project uses the `unittest `_ library and has a nice testing suite that makes some things easy to write tests for. Please try to increase the test coverage on pull requests. 5. Merging pull-requests: We require two of the (currently three) core-team maintainers to merge. Opening a PR for early feedback or to check test coverage is OK, just indicate that the PR is not ready to merge (and update when it is). By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing that your work may be distributed under the terms of the project's `licence `_ and you will become one of the project's joint copyright holders.