.. _creating_tournaments: Creating and running a simple tournament ======================================== The following lines of code creates a list players playing simple strategies:: >>> import axelrod as axl >>> players = [axl.Cooperator(), axl.Defector(), ... axl.TitForTat(), axl.Grudger()] >>> players [Cooperator, Defector, Tit For Tat, Grudger] We can now create a tournament, play it, save the results and view the rank of each player:: >>> tournament = axl.Tournament(players) >>> results = tournament.play() >>> results.ranked_names ['Defector', 'Tit For Tat', 'Grudger', 'Cooperator'] We can also plot these results:: >>> plot = axl.Plot(results) >>> p = plot.boxplot() >>> p.show() .. image:: _static/getting_started/demo_deterministic_strategies_boxplot.svg :width: 50% :align: center Note that in this case none of our strategies are stochastic so the boxplot shows that there is no variation. Take a look at the :ref:`visualising-results` section to see plots showing a stochastic effect.