Source code for axelrod.strategies.dbs

from axelrod.action import Action
from axelrod.player import Player

C, D = Action.C, Action.D

[docs]class DBS(Player): """ A strategy that learns the opponent's strategy and uses symbolic noise detection for detecting whether anomalies in player’s behavior are deliberate or accidental. From the learned opponent's strategy, a tree search is used to choose the best move. Default values for the parameters are the suggested values in the article. When noise increases you can try to diminish violation_threshold and rejection_threshold. Names - Derived Belief Strategy: [Au2006]_ """ # These are various properties for the strategy name = "DBS" classifier = { "memory_depth": float("inf"), "stochastic": False, "long_run_time": True, "inspects_source": False, "manipulates_source": False, "manipulates_state": False, } def __init__( self, discount_factor=0.75, promotion_threshold=3, violation_threshold=4, reject_threshold=3, tree_depth=5, ): """ Parameters discount_factor: float, optional Used when computing discounted frequencies to learn opponent's strategy. Must be between 0 and 1. The default is 0.75. promotion_threshold: int, optional Number of successive observations needed to promote an opponent behavior as a deterministic rule. The default is 3. violation_threshold: int, optional Number of observations needed to considerate opponent's strategy has changed. You can lower it when noise increases. The default is 4, which is good for a noise level of .1. reject_threshold: int, optional Number of observations before forgetting opponent's previous strategy. You can lower it when noise increases. The default is 3, which is good for a noise level of .1. tree_depth: int, optional Depth of the tree for the tree-search algorithm. Higher depth means more time to compute the move. The default is 5. """ super().__init__() # The opponent's behavior is represented by a 3 dicts: Rd, Rc, and Rp. # Its behavior is modeled by a set of rules. A rule is the move that # the opponent will play (C or D or a probability to play C) after a # given outcome (for instance after (C, D)). # A rule can be deterministic or probabilistic: # - Rc is the set of deterministic rules # - Rp is the set of probabilistic rules # - Rd is the default rule set which is used for initialization but also # keeps track of previous policies when change in the opponent behavior # happens, in order to have a smooth transition. # - Pi is a set of rules that aggregates all above sets of rules in # order to fully model the opponent's behavior. # Default rule set is Rd. # Default opponent's policy is TitForTat. self.Rd = create_policy(1, 1, 0, 0) # Set of current deterministic rules Rc self.Rc = {} # Aggregated rule set Pi self.Pi = self.Rd # For each rule in Rd we need to count the number of successive # violations. Those counts are saved in violation_counts. self.violation_counts = {} self.reject_threshold = reject_threshold self.violation_threshold = violation_threshold self.promotion_threshold = promotion_threshold self.tree_depth = tree_depth # v is a violation count used to know when to clean the default rule # set Rd self.v = 0 # A discount factor for computing the probabilistic rules self.alpha = discount_factor # The probabilistic rule set Rp is not saved as an attribute, but each # rule is computed only when needed. The rules are computed as # discounted frequencies of opponent's past moves. To compute the # discounted frequencies, we need to keep up to date an history of what # has been played following each outcome (or condition): # We save it as a dict history_by_cond; keys are conditions # (ex (C, C)) and values are a tuple of 2 lists (G, F) # for a condition j and an iteration i in the match: # G[i] = 1 if cond j was True at turn i-1 and C has been played # by the opponent; else G[i] = 0 # F[i] = 1 if cond j was True at turn i-1; else F[i] = 0 # This representation makes the computing of discounted frequencies # easy and efficient. # The initial hypothesized policy is TitForTat. self.history_by_cond = { (C, C): ([1], [1]), (C, D): ([1], [1]), (D, C): ([0], [1]), (D, D): ([0], [1]), }
[docs] def should_promote(self, r_plus, promotion_threshold=3): """ This function determines if the move r_plus is a deterministic behavior of the opponent, and then returns True, or if r_plus is due to a random behavior (or noise) which would require a probabilistic rule, in which case it returns False. To do so it looks into the game history: if the k last times when the opponent was in the same situation than in r_plus it played the same thing then then r_plus is considered as a deterministic rule (where K is the user-defined promotion_threshold). Parameters r_plus: tuple of (tuple of actions.Action, actions.Action) example: ((C, C), D) r_plus represents one outcome of the history, and the following move played by the opponent. promotion_threshold: int, optional Number of successive observations needed to promote an opponent behavior as a deterministic rule. Default is 3. """ if r_plus[1] == C: opposite_action = 0 elif r_plus[1] == D: opposite_action = 1 k = 1 count = 0 # We iterate on the history, while we do not encounter # counter-examples of r_plus, i.e. while we do not encounter # r_minus while k < len(self.history_by_cond[r_plus[0]][0]) and not ( self.history_by_cond[r_plus[0]][0][1:][-k] == opposite_action and self.history_by_cond[r_plus[0]][1][1:][-k] == 1 ): # We count every occurrence of r_plus in history if self.history_by_cond[r_plus[0]][1][1:][-k] == 1: count += 1 k += 1 if count >= promotion_threshold: return True return False
[docs] def should_demote(self, r_minus, violation_threshold=4): """ Checks if the number of successive violations of a deterministic rule (in the opponent's behavior) exceeds the user-defined violation_threshold. """ return self.violation_counts[r_minus[0]] >= violation_threshold
[docs] def update_history_by_cond(self, opponent_history): """ Updates self.history_by_cond between each turns of the game. """ two_moves_ago = (self.history[-2], opponent_history[-2]) for outcome, GF in self.history_by_cond.items(): G, F = GF if outcome == two_moves_ago: if opponent_history[-1] == C: G.append(1) else: G.append(0) F.append(1) else: G.append(0) F.append(0)
[docs] def compute_prob_rule(self, outcome, alpha=1): """ Uses the game history to compute the probability of the opponent playing C, in the outcome situation (example: outcome = (C, C)). When alpha = 1, the results is approximately equal to the frequency of the occurrence of outcome C. alpha is a discount factor that gives more weight to recent events than earlier ones. Parameters outcome: tuple of two actions.Action alpha: int, optional. Discount factor. Default is 1. """ G = self.history_by_cond[outcome][0] F = self.history_by_cond[outcome][1] discounted_g = 0 discounted_f = 0 alpha_k = 1 for g, f in zip(G[::-1], F[::-1]): discounted_g += alpha_k * g discounted_f += alpha_k * f alpha_k = alpha * alpha_k p_cond = discounted_g / discounted_f return p_cond
[docs] def strategy(self, opponent: Player) -> Action: """Actual strategy definition that determines player's action.""" # First move if not self.history: return C if len(opponent.history) >= 2: # We begin by update history_by_cond (i.e. update Rp) self.update_history_by_cond(opponent.history) two_moves_ago = (self.history[-2], opponent.history[-2]) # r_plus is the information of what the opponent just played, # following the previous outcome two_moves_ago. r_plus = (two_moves_ago, opponent.history[-1]) # r_minus is the opposite move, following the same outcome. r_minus = (two_moves_ago, ({C, D} - {opponent.history[-1]}).pop()) # If r_plus and r_minus are not in the current set of deterministic # rules, we check if r_plus should be added to it (following the # rule defined in the should_promote function). if r_plus[0] not in self.Rc.keys(): if self.should_promote(r_plus, self.promotion_threshold): self.Rc[r_plus[0]] = action_to_int(r_plus[1]) self.violation_counts[r_plus[0]] = 0 self.violation_counts[r_plus[0]] = 0 # If r+ or r- in Rc if r_plus[0] in self.Rc.keys(): to_check = C if self.Rc[r_plus[0]] == 1 else D # (if r+ in Rc) if r_plus[1] == to_check: # Set the violation count of r+ to 0. self.violation_counts[r_plus[0]] = 0 # if r- in Rc elif r_minus[1] == to_check: # Increment violation count of r-. self.violation_counts[r_plus[0]] += 1 # As we observe that the behavior of the opponent is # opposed to a rule modeled in Rc, we check if the number # of consecutive violations of this rule is superior to # a threshold. If it is, we clean Rc, but we keep the rules # of Rc in Rd for smooth transition. if self.should_demote(r_minus, self.violation_threshold): self.Rd.update(self.Rc) self.Rc.clear() self.violation_counts.clear() self.v = 0 # r+ in Rc. r_plus_in_Rc = r_plus[0] in self.Rc.keys() and self.Rc[ r_plus[0] ] == action_to_int(r_plus[1]) # r- in Rd r_minus_in_Rd = r_minus[0] in self.Rd.keys() and self.Rd[ r_minus[0] ] == action_to_int(r_minus[1]) # Increment number of violations of Rd rules. if r_minus_in_Rd: self.v += 1 # If the number of violations is superior to a threshold, clean Rd. if (self.v > self.reject_threshold) or ( r_plus_in_Rc and r_minus_in_Rd ): self.Rd.clear() self.v = 0 # Compute Rp for conditions that are neither in Rc or Rd. Rp = {} all_cond = [(C, C), (C, D), (D, C), (D, D)] for outcome in all_cond: if (outcome not in self.Rc.keys()) and ( outcome not in self.Rd.keys() ): # Compute opponent's C answer probability. Rp[outcome] = self.compute_prob_rule(outcome, self.alpha) # We aggregate the rules of Rc, Rd, and Rp in a set of rule Pi. self.Pi = {} # The algorithm makes sure that a rule cannot be in two different # sets of rules so we do not need to check for duplicates. self.Pi.update(self.Rc) self.Pi.update(self.Rd) self.Pi.update(Rp) # React to the opponent's last move return move_gen( (self.history[-1], opponent.history[-1]), self.Pi, depth_search_tree=self.tree_depth, )
[docs]class Node(object): """ Nodes used to build a tree for the tree-search procedure. The tree has Deterministic and Stochastic nodes, as the opponent's strategy is learned as a probability distribution. """ # abstract method def get_siblings(self): raise NotImplementedError("subclasses must override get_siblings()!") # abstract method def is_stochastic(self): raise NotImplementedError("subclasses must override is_stochastic()!")
[docs]class StochasticNode(Node): """ Node that have a probability pC to get to each sibling. A StochasticNode can be written (C, X) or (D, X), with X = C with a probability pC, else X = D. """ def __init__(self, own_action, pC, depth): self.pC = pC self.depth = depth self.own_action = own_action
[docs] def get_siblings(self): """ Returns the siblings node of the current StochasticNode. There are two siblings which are DeterministicNodes, their depth is equal to current node depth's + 1. """ opponent_c_choice = DeterministicNode( self.own_action, C, self.depth + 1 ) opponent_d_choice = DeterministicNode( self.own_action, D, self.depth + 1 ) return opponent_c_choice, opponent_d_choice
[docs] def is_stochastic(self): """Returns True if self is a StochasticNode.""" return True
[docs]class DeterministicNode(Node): """ Nodes (C, C), (C, D), (D, C), or (D, D) with deterministic choice for siblings. """ def __init__(self, action1, action2, depth): self.action1 = action1 self.action2 = action2 self.depth = depth
[docs] def get_siblings(self, policy): """ Returns the siblings node of the current DeterministicNode. Builds 2 siblings (C, X) and (D, X) that are StochasticNodes. Those siblings are of the same depth as the current node. Their probabilities pC are defined by the policy argument. """ c_choice = StochasticNode( C, policy[(self.action1, self.action2)], self.depth ) d_choice = StochasticNode( D, policy[(self.action1, self.action2)], self.depth ) return c_choice, d_choice
[docs] def is_stochastic(self): """Returns True if self is a StochasticNode.""" return False
def get_value(self): values = {(C, C): 3, (C, D): 0, (D, C): 5, (D, D): 1} return values[(self.action1, self.action2)]
[docs]def create_policy(pCC, pCD, pDC, pDD): """ Creates a dict that represents a Policy. As defined in the reference, a Policy is a set of (prev_move, p) where p is the probability to cooperate after prev_move, where prev_move can be (C, C), (C, D), (D, C) or (D, D). Parameters pCC, pCD, pDC, pDD : float Must be between 0 and 1. """ return {(C, C): pCC, (C, D): pCD, (D, C): pDC, (D, D): pDD}
def action_to_int(action): if action == C: return 1 return 0
[docs]def move_gen(outcome, policy, depth_search_tree=5): """ Returns the best move considering opponent's policy and last move, using tree-search procedure. """ current_node = DeterministicNode(outcome[0], outcome[1], depth=0) values_of_choices = minimax_tree_search( current_node, policy, depth_search_tree ) # Returns the Action which correspond to the best choice in terms of # expected value. In case value(C) == value(D), returns C. actions_tuple = (C, D) return actions_tuple[values_of_choices.index(max(values_of_choices))]