Source code for axelrod.strategies.resurrection

from axelrod.action import Action
from axelrod.player import Player

C, D = Action.C, Action.D

[docs] class Resurrection(Player): """ A player starts by cooperating and defects if the number of rounds played by the player is greater than five and the last five rounds are defections. Otherwise, the strategy plays like Tit-for-tat. Names: - Resurrection: [Eckhart2015]_ """ # These are various properties for the strategy name = "Resurrection" classifier = { "memory_depth": 5, "stochastic": False, "long_run_time": False, "inspects_source": False, "manipulates_source": False, "manipulates_state": False, }
[docs] def strategy(self, opponent: Player) -> Action: """Actual strategy definition that determines player's action.""" if len(self.history) == 0: return C if len(self.history) >= 5 and self.history[-5:] == [D, D, D, D, D]: return D else: return opponent.history[-1]
[docs] class DoubleResurrection(Player): """ A player starts by cooperating and defects if the number of rounds played by the player is greater than five and the last five rounds are cooperations. If the last five rounds were defections, the player cooperates. Names: - DoubleResurrection: [Eckhart2015]_ """ name = "DoubleResurrection" classifier = { "memory_depth": 5, "stochastic": False, "long_run_time": False, "inspects_source": False, "manipulates_source": False, "manipulates_state": False, }
[docs] def strategy(self, opponent: Player) -> Action: """Actual strategy definition that determines player's action.""" if len(self.history) == 0: return C if len(self.history) >= 5 and self.history[-5:] == [C, C, C, C, C]: return D elif len(self.history) >= 5 and self.history[-5:] == [D, D, D, D, D]: return C else: return opponent.history[-1]